Chapter 5

Antichrists Transgenic Army of Super Soldiers

Roll call finally came round. Ariel’s handler was first to arrive at the Situation Room. Equal quantities of hugs and kisses were distributed to one another. 

“You’re an early fledgling this morning?” Gabriel teased. 

“Very cute,” Mish responded, “and you can blame that on your underling. He dragged us out to the dojo for an early workout before roll call. It wasn’t even light out.” 

“Ah, is that a fact,” Gabriel tittered, giving our oldest kindred the thumbs-up. 

I turned to my underlings: “I had meant to ask earlier, who actually won the wager?” 

Mish replied: “Ari did, as always.” 

“Don’t feel so bad,” Ari commiserated. “I won by default because you had slipped on the varnished floor.” 

“Yes,” Mish nodded, “I had a massive attack of the cramps in my left calf.” 

“There’s very likely something deficient in your diet,” Gabriel suggested. “Talk to the angel, Shelumiel, about it. He’ll know what to do.” 

Mish nodded again: “All right. Speaking of Lumi, I must apologize to him for missing his pilau-making demonstration. I had told him I was attending.” 

“Not to worry, Mish,” Gabriel assured me, “I’m sure Shelumiel understands.” 

“So the wager wasn’t real?” I asked next. 

Ariel shook his head. “Oh, the wager was real, all right. I won the wager, even if by a technicality, and as the winner, I had the prerogative to give these boots to whomever I wanted. Mostly, however, the wager was an incentive to get Mish out of bed.” 

Mishka’s lips smacked: “Tsk. Always sneaky, are we? Uh, Mika? Why has your demeanor changed?” 

I nodded sadly: “This morning I was given a report by our brother, Jediael, that a boat load of refugees had been torpedoed on Floridian waters en route to Buffalo, New York. They were Jews from Argentina trying to make their Aliyah, but hadn’t the wherewithal to seek the help of Adler Dorf or Greer Ohana at Operation Israel Direct.” 

I explained further: “Jediael’s devastated. The loss of lives has been unnecessary. ‘If people would simply put their trust in Yah, humble themselves and seek the help of believers,’ Adler Dorf had reasoned.” 

The brothers appeared visibly stunned and downcast. 

Mish approached his older brother, whispering: “Um . . . who are these people again?” 

“Oh, you’ve not heard of them?” Ari replied. “They’re the East Coast coordinators of Operation Israel Direct.” 

“Adler Dorf works at the New York City Headquarters,” Gabriel added. 

“And Greer Ohana’s with the branch office in Philly . . . Philadelphia, I mean,” Ari qualified. 

Mish nodded: “Oh, they must be heartbroken.” 

“Crestfallen, for sure,” Ari concurred. 

“All seafaring enterprises are invariably suicide missions, with Antichrist’s super soldiers already deployed to surveil every possible space on earth, be that sublunary or the high seas,” Gabriel maintained. 

“Not to mention the pathogenic micro-organisms arising from the meteor rain that had contaminated a third of the water supplies,” Ari submitted. “No one can survive accidentally falling into that kind of toxicity.” 

“Dad, are you OK?” my son asked. 

I smiled, explaining further: “The murder of the Argentine Jews has reminded me of the welfare of the homeland and her people. By now Antichrist’s animus toward all who oppose him ought to be apparent to any who has eyes to see. There’s a strong likelihood that the evil potentate desires the destruction of Jerusalem and the homeland if only to effect an ebb tide in the Aliyah process. Antichrist would want to close off Israel’s borders to Jews everywhere. Ergo, I’m apprehensive of the future of Israel as the only remaining bastion of democracy and freedom.” 

“You’re Israel’s protector, to be sure,” my son stated. 

“Keep Jerusalem in your prayers, brothers,” I persuaded, “and pray for the peace of Israel, for when this Jewish nation calls on her Messiah, then Israel’s Peace, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Himself, will heed her and rescue her. The Lord Jesus will make His descent upon the Mount of Olives and, finally, Israel will acknowledge Him as the anointed Messiah. Ergo, Lucifer’s eye is constantly on the city. It’s what makes Jerusalem ‘a cup of trembling for the nations surrounding her’, as described by the prophet Zechariah. There’s a tug of war for Jerusalem between the Lord and His enemies, but Scripture teaches that all the nations that come to lay siege to Israel and Jerusalem in the last days shall be destroyed by the Lord.” 

“It was being reported in the news that Lucifer’s seed, the Antichrist, mandated the present blockade on the Jewish nation because of her gas and oil reserves,” Mish maintained. “This was one of the reasons for the peace accord ratified between him and Israel after the Gog-Magog War, which ushered in the Tribulation Hour.” 

“For now, Eretz-Israel’s still of use to Antichrist,” I opined. “In the Gog-Magog War, the nations, led by Russia, fought with Israel because of her resources of oil, natural gas and water. Yah intervened, causing Israel to prevail over her enemies. Until today, the Israelis are still burning their enemies’ weapons of war for fire. On behalf of the nations of the world, Antichrist, afterward, confirmed the peace treaty with Israel, setting the stage for the commencement of the Day of the Lord. Yes, Antichrist desires the preservation of the Jewish nation because he wants control of all the world’s natural resources, including oil, gas and water. In addition, he recognizes Israel’s ingenuity in water conservation, the technology of which is being used to irrigate her desert regions. Antichrist wants to replicate and apply this water conservation technology to his other kingdoms, since all the lands have been savaged by famine resulting from the Lord’s plague judgments. 

“There’s another reason the Antichrist wants to preserve Eretz-Israel for a while longer; this is Israel’s spiritual capital, the holy city of Jerusalem. Antichrist will be inaugurated as god when he enters the newly completed third Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. It’s all a part of Lucifer’s plans to be worshiped as god through his seed. It’d be interesting to see how events will play out after that. How long will Antichrist pretend to want to prolong Israel’s existence? Yah alone knows. What we do know is that from time immemorial Israel had been the object of Lucifer’s mission of annihilation, for if he could destroy Israel, the promised seed, Jesus Christ, who was to come out of Israel’s loins, would not germinate.” 

My son began to inform me: “I think . . . oh, uh . . . sorry for interrupting you, Dad.” 

I shook my head: “Quite all right, son. Carry on.” 

“I was about to say that we were approaching this content in my study of the History of the Ancient Near East and the Levant,” he continued. “But a head start on the topic would be helpful.” 

“Of course,” I nodded. “And as I was about to say: throughout history, Lucifer had made many failed attempts to destroy the Jewish nation in order to foil Yah’s plans to install Yahushua on the throne of David. This can be seen in the diverse ways the Enemy had tried to hinder the Israelites’ civilization and culture from thriving: from the contamination of the human gene pool resulting from the interbreeding of fallen angels and daughters of men to the invasion and slaughter of their men, women and children by tribes such as the Philistines, Canaanites and Amalekites; and the Hittites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Amorites and Edomites. 

“Finally, in the intertestamental centuries preceding the Lord Jesus’ birth, Satan tried but failed yet again to destroy Israel through her captivity by the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians, and the Romans that had later exiled her from the Promised Land. The various conquests led to the dispersion of the Jews to the four corners of the world in what was known as the Jewish Diaspora. 

“The mission to destroy Israel continued in the modern century in Lucifer’s use of Hitler’s Jewish pogrom and holocaust. But even before Hitler’s genocide programmes, the Jewish Diaspora had vivified their leaders to form the Zionist movement, which eventually led to the nation’s rebirth in 1948, once more proving the Lord’s intervention in the protection of Israel and fulfilment of His covenants to Israel. 

“In the final millennium just prior to the Antichrist’s Machiavellian cessation of the world’s monarchies, Satan was using the Islamist jihad to prevent God’s prophecies for Israel and the world from coming to pass. The jihad or ‘holy war’ on Israel was the pretext for the war fought against Israel by the Arab nations and their allies (I say pretext because the war was actually fought over Israel’s oil and gas); this was in fulfilment of the prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy of the Gog-Magog War. And we know the outcome of this war; the Lord led the Jewish nation to victory.” 

Gabriel jumped in: “Scripture teaches that Satan will keep trying to the bitter end to destroy Israel and Jerusalem. Despite his long rap sheet of washed out attempts, he sadly believes he can yet frustrate God’s plans to establish the Lord Jesus Christ on the throne of David in Jerusalem and commence His rightful reign of the earth. This is why, early last year, Satan influenced Antichrist to betray Israel with a moratorium on their peace agreement. Any time now, Antichrist will enter the Lord’s Temple and desecrate it by accepting the world’s worship. The Lord has called this the Abomination of Desolation. Through Antichrist, his seed, Satan wants to ascend to the throne of God before the Lord Jesus does. Woe to Israel if this occurs. As Mika has said, anyone who loves the Lord needs to be faithful about praying for Israel and Jerusalem.” 

A buzz on my iFad notified me of an incoming Swype call: it was the angel, Uzziel. I excused myself to answer the elder. 

“What do you suggest, Uzziel?” I asked him several minutes later. 

“Yah’s intervention,” Uzziel answered. “These are extraordinary times.” 

“So be it,” I concurred. “These, indeed, are extraordinary times.” 

Uzziel continued: “Just thought you ought to know: we welcomed a new recruit to O:AU Australasia last week and he’s presently based in Adelaide. Name’s Tristan Maclay, in his mid-thirties . . . and he’s a recent convert to Lord Yahushua. He was in Antichrist’s anti-insurgency squad once upon a time, but has renounced his allegiance to the Enemy. I’ve had him thoroughly vetted: he’s the real McCoy . . . totally on fire for Yah.”

"Extraordinary problems call for extraordinary solutions."

“That’s very good news,” I stated, “for surely all news in regard to the expansion of the Lord’s kingdom is welcome news.” 

“Aye,” Uzziel replied. “I shall be posting Tristan to the shelter in Vanuatu in a fortnight’s time. We’re about to begin constructing housing for the refugees there.” 

“Excellent, brother Uzziel. I shall speak with you again tomorrow for further updates. Shalom.”


“That was the angel, Uzziel,” I informed my warriors on my return. “The telecommunications systems in Australasia are on the verge of a permanent continent-wide blackout . . . much akin to the scenario in the eastern American seaboard.” 

“Caused by the Antichrist’s EMP attack?” Mish asked. 

“Affirmative,” I replied. “We’re going to have to try something different to continue receiving communications from the saints in Australasia, particularly those in the various shelters established by O:AU. Uzziel thinks that extraordinary problems call for extraordinary solutions, such as supernatural intervention from Yah.” 

Gabriel nodded: “That would be my suggestion, too. We’re not going to let Antichrist’s acts of hostility slow down our missions for Yah. The end of this Time of Jacob’s Trouble is on the horizon and we’re on the winning side – the side of Messiah.” 

The angels, Uriel and Remiel were entering the room. Following after them, the angels, Raphael, Haziel and Shimael. Kisses were freely and generously bestowed once more. 

“I’ve been meaning to ask you, Uriel,” Mish stated, “what became of Ze’ev Griner?” 

“Ze’ev Griner?” Uriel replied while simultaneously inspecting Mish’s new coif. “The demoniac you encountered at the park?” 

My son nodded. 

Uriel stated: “Well, you’d be pleased to know that this boy’s recovered completely from demonic possession. Long story short, he and his father, Kalev, are being sheltered here in Petra, safe from the Antichrist and Lucifer’s angels. They belong to the Lord now – the elder Griner realized how wrong he’d been to reject the God of his forefathers when the Lord Yahushua Himself appeared in his dream and revealed to him that his baby daughter was alive and living with Him in heaven.” 

“Even now, even while the human race has turned against God, the Lord is actively saving human lives,” Mish said. “Who can compare with His amazing love?” 

He said next: “About your bandanna, Uriel. It’s left behind in the apartment in New Canaan.” 

Uriel smiled: “Don’t worry about it. It’s a non issue. And, by the way, your new look . . . I like it. It’s quite becoming.” 

Blushing brightly at the compliment, he turned bashfully toward Gabriel and me: “What about Luc Montagna? And Rais and Persis Hamada? I’ve also been meaning to ask after them but, so much has been happening, it just slips my mind.” 

“They were martyred, with the other six saints,” I replied. 

“Their execution was carried out after all,” he cried. “They executed the Bjorlins, Stefan and Analiesse, and the Nairs, Chaudhry and Rekha; they executed the Yens, Juno and Kar-mun, as well.” 

“Yes, as soon as order had been restored to the Town Hall,” Gabriel told him grimly. 

The Little One shut his eyes: “I can’t believe they carried out the execution in a public place. It’s barbaric. It’s obscene. What a mad world we share with the earth dwellers.” 

“Antichrist wants to send out a strong message of deterrence,” Gabriel explained. “Convert to Christianity at the expense of your life. It’s a certainty.” 

“What became of little Kennedy Yen?” the Little One asked, opening his eyes. 

“She was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Zangmo,” Ariel answered. “They were evacuated last month to Petra, along with about three hundred other saints.” 

“And Ms. Delaney Leung and Darcy Youngblood, of Millennium Towers,” he queried further. 

“They, too, have evacuated,” Ari replied. 

The Little One nodded before turning reticent. Moments later, he continued: “My afflictions are minor compared to what the believers must face every day.” 

“Indeed,” Uriel told him. “We ought to count our blessings every day.”

The angels, Abishael and Shelumiel, led the rest of the warriors into the Situation Room. While my warriors were settling down behind their desks, I handed each one his confidential dossier. Almost all of the Lord’s angels were in full deployment to gather the Lord’s elect from the four corners of the world and ensure their safe passage to Petra. This was the principal focus of our mission on earth. 

Meanwhile, the wrath of the Lord continued to be poured down on the inhabitants of earth in this sixty-fourth month of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Many were cities that were destroyed and their populations decimated by sectarian factions, plagues and pestilences. Many were those who were living in dread of what was to unfold for their future. Even the saints and the elect of the Lord were consumed with dread, but their dread was largely for their loved ones who had rejected the gospel of the Lord in favour of Antichrist’s autocratic rule and the False Prophet’s counterfeit One-world religion. It was as the Lord had prophesied: a strong delusion had been sent to blind them to the truth. 

In addition to truth, trust was also becoming a thing of the past: believing Antichrist to be god, friends and families were betraying loved ones, selling out one another to the Antichrist’s police and military in exchange for statist favours. Unfortunately, those favours came with a price – the realization that their acts of betrayal were marching their loved ones to the guillotine. 

Lucifer’s seed, the Antichrist, had hardened his heart toward the Lord’s followers, vowing that amnesty would be denied any dissident tried and convicted of opposing him and his government. To facilitate the prosecution of an individual found in resistance to Antichrist in any form, in thought, speech and behaviour, he had enacted anti-sedition laws, which he had unilaterally ratified and the Commissioner of his universal junta enforced. 

Reforms under Antichrist’s global reign were Procrustean and all-encompassing: virtually all countries everywhere saw the death of their monarchical systems and national sovereignties; private ownership of property and inheritance were abolished; regulations pertaining to family life, education, environmental issues, health care, means of production and the distribution of wealth and resources were surrendered to the oligarchs of globalism in Antichrist’s payroll; and religious expression and worship were outlawed and in their place was the forcible adoption of the counterfeit spirituality of ecumenicism under the False Prophet. More and more, it was becoming evident to the dissidents that holding on to their conservative and libertarian ideologies was a fading mirage. 

Compounding the dissidents’ fear of capture was the deployment of the super soldiers to assist Antichrist’s terrestrial armies in putting an end to the opposition. About three nights ago, Antichrist had unveiled, to the world, his army of super soldiers – this subset of the Nephilim – which was composed of a transgenic race of entities, part human and part fallen angel. Each individual in this army was genetically and technologically engineered to be an unstoppable, unfeeling force against any and all opposition from humanity. 

It wasn’t an ad hoc decision by the One-world potentate to deliver his missive the day after a nuclear EMP device had been detonated over the nations in the northern hemisphere. The detonation had destroyed the capabilities of all the computers and electrical equipment in the affected areas. While the inhabitants of these nations were floundering in the aftermath of the electromagnetic pulse, Antichrist was making his debut around the world as a hologram, appearing in the skies above every continent, as well as in every living room and via every live Internet stream, which was in his monopoly. 

“Cast your eyes on my super soldiers,” the holographic image said, in a short televised address. Several of the angels and I were watching the address that evening, beamed to our television via the state-owned satellite station. “It’s been about eighty years in the making but now, behold, one of my dreams has been actualized before you. And now there shall be no escaping for the remaining insurgents and traitors, left on earth, who continue to oppose my regime and who stubbornly uphold the statutes of Jesus Christ. My soldiers have been conditioned either to annihilate my enemies or to force them to accept my Mark. This is my on-going mandate: followers of Yahushua and all who oppose my Mark shall suffer beheading.” 

Antichrist’s communiqué continued to spark engaging discussions among the brothers. Such as was taking place at roll call this morning. 

“Those super soldiers must look formidable,” Shelumiel began, “if Antichrist wishes to fulfil his goal of coercing the world’s citizenry into submitting to his mandate.” 

“It’s his final solution to subdue his enemies once and for all,” Haziel submitted. “It’s simply not enough that just a fortnight ago, he’d ordered more guillotines to be visibly stationed at every town square in every village, and in every capitol building in every major city.” 

“What started as a means to deter anymore of the type of disturbances that had occurred recently in downtown New Canaan, these guillotines are now being exported to the rest of the world as the primary capital punishment tool,” Abishael noted. 

Haziel scoffed: “Are they now calling them disturbances? How adept is Antichrist’s Media Industrial Complex at obfuscating the truth. The saints in New Canaan were protesting the fact that the two prophets of God hadn’t been allowed a burial after their murder; instead their corpses had been allowed to lie in the streets of Jerusalem to be mocked and taunted.” 

“Evil,” my son whispered while his head shook. 

I gently squeezed the back of his neck: “They were protesting outside Antichrist’s private residence after all.” 

“It’s still evil,” my son opined. 

I nodded: “Nevertheless, what the Enemy had intended for evil, Ehyeh turned to good. Consider the multitudes that have, since then, turned to the Lord when He resurrected the prophets and, before these witnesses’ very eyes, translated them into heaven. The resurrection of the two prophets was a powerful testimony in favour of the prophetic Word.” 

There was some quiet cerebration while my warriors meditated on Yah’s prophecy. 

“Well, I can’t get Antichrist’s image out of my mind,” Remiel commented next. “What a way to make a worldwide debut – by beaming your image in the clouds. Then again, why should this surprise any of us considering that Antichrist is Lucifer’s seed?” 

“Indeed,” Shimael concurred. “Lucifer’s the Prince of the Power of the Air. He’s able to manipulate the conditions of space in defiance of the laws of physics.” 

“So that’s the reason for Antichrist’s coordinated attacks on the electronic grids over every major city in central America, central Europe and Australasia four days ago,” my child asked, “to obtain a monopoly on telecommunications so that he can debut a holographic substitute of himself and his super soldiers to the world?” 

I nodded: “And for the purpose of subjecting the earth dwellers to round-the-clock surveillance by his armies. I stand corrected when I said last time that Antichrist hadn’t the chutzpah to plunder the telecommunications infrastructure of the industrialized nations. He’s certainly done it and with a far-reaching scope.” 

I shook my head: “With the Holographic Technology, which he’s been able to perfect and exploit to his advantage, and coupled with his own communications network that he’s shielded from the recent nuclear EMP, he’d still have his live audiences to brainwash with his ideology, whenever and wherever he wants them, night and day.” 

Gabriel weighed in: “Thanks to support by Satan himself, and the aid of the terrorist operatives the Antichrist has strategically planted in the advanced nations’ major cities, detonating his high-altitude EMP device has left virtually all their privately-owned radios, televisions and computers permanently crippled. He’s exacted a complete abrogation of the tenets of capitalism on which the affluence of much of the Free World was founded, tenets such as liberty and autonomy; now, under his rule, it’s farewell to individual sovereignty and private ownership of property and corporations.” 

“And hello to his totalitarian order,” Raphael stated, adding: “A second wave of nuclear EMP above the earth may next wipe out the electronic systems of the nations near the equator and southern hemisphere.” 

Haziel interjected to opine: “When that happens, woe to all the inhabitants of the earth and all who refuse Antichrist’s Mark. With only Antichrist’s telecommunications infrastructure in New Canaan unaffected by a nuclear EMP, who can disseminate and receive information without his knowing? Who can escape being subject to his post-Orwellian style surveillance and captured by his super soldiers?”

“Only those willing to live as troglodytes in the caves and among the rocks of Petra,” Shelumiel, our Quartermaster, replied. “The Lord’s supernaturally protecting and providing for them there.” 

“Don’t forget the remnants in the refugee camps in the remote countryside,” the Halfling, Eliel, reminded us. “The Lord is protecting these ones as well.” 

“Ah, yes,” Remiel nodded to his underling, “thanks for the reminder, Eli. Our brothers, Jediael and Uzziel, have reported that the EMP assault has caused only very minimal inconvenience for the saints in the refugee camps put in place by O:AU. There’s been some interruption to electricity supplies, but the remnants are fairly accustomed, by now, to life pared down to the bare essentials. The inconvenience to them is small. The Lord’s to be praised for His preservation of the saints.” 

“We should dispatch our leaders to every O:AU shelter to ensure none is without at least a working generator,” Gabriel suggested. “It’s time to undertake an audit.” 

I nodded: “I shall issue a memo to all the leaders tomorrow. I shall also want an update on what’s lacking from every camp so that our brother, Shelumiel, can dispatch the required provisions to the various shelters. As long as we can help it, no saint anywhere should be in need.” 

The elders nodded. 

Mish opined next: “It’s a nuclear EMP in the Western nations today, but what’s to stop Antichrist from threatening a similar EMP assault in the East and fomenting further hostility with the nations there? That may just be the catalyst for Antichrist to initiate an all-out nuclear attack on the so-called rogue nations, nations in East Asia that refuse to acknowledge his rule but regard him as a titular head only.”

“Well, Mish, his co-conspirators certainly have sufficient stockpiles of Uranium and Strontium-90 to help push through his megalomaniacal agenda and launch a nuclear barrage on their enemies,” stated Uriel. “These co-conspirators are the same international terrorists that instructed their moles to plant the EMP devices over the advanced nations’ cities.” 

“Isn’t that the scenario at the Battle of Armageddon,” my child pursued, “a nuclear war?” 

The elder nodded: “Some Biblical eschatology scholars have interpreted the Revelation passage that way. In their interpretation, Megiddo may be the impending scene of a nuclear holocaust. Antichrist’s armies are already setting up base there.” 

“And other nations on earth may be stepping on his land mines to follow him there,” Mish suggested.

“That’s a given, according to prophecy,” said Ariel. “The nations involved in the final battle at Har Megiddo don’t realize that Antichrist is luring them into a battle with the Lord and His saints.” 

“I can scarcely imagine the aftermath of a nuclear war,” Mish sighed, sounding anxious. “Or one against Ehyeh and the armies of heaven.” 

“Have no fear, youngling,” Abishael interjected. “Ehyeh is a loving and faithful God; His justice and mercy shall prevail on earth. You can totally count on it: before the nations can annihilate one another, Yahushua shall descend on the Mount of Olives and put an end to their intransigence.” 

Ariel intonated with hope: “And immediately, all the nations shall acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God and Lord of all.” 

“The satanic troika shall be judged and the Lord’s Millennial Reign and Kingdom on earth shall begin,” Shelumiel added. 

“Amen,” chimed the rest. 

And so on and so forth. The brothers’ conversation, then, segued into a last-days’ dialectic that proceeded for a few more minutes. 

In light of Antichrist’s latest offensive on his subjects I had taken pains at roll call, this morning, to remind my warriors of the presence of the super soldiers. 

“Be vigilant and observe every safety protocol at all times,” I advised them before speeding them on their assignments. “Wherever your mission conducts you, take no stranger or acquaintance for granted. Antichrist’s super soldiers, the new generation of the Nephilim, will have most of earth’s subjects under their surveillance. The earth dwellers will betray anyone to preserve their own lives. As well, the super soldiers may themselves be in disguise. Take heed, all the Lord’s half-angels among us: you have not been ordained to engage in combat with the Nephilim. Understand that, once these Engines of War have been set in motion, they cannot be switched off, for they possess neither conscience nor reason. Therefore, avoid any direct confrontation with them, unless you are with one of the brethren who are able to protect you. We can depend on the Lord’s guidance to succeed in our missions for, otherwise, He would not have sent us to earth to do His work, but His promise of protection is not carte blanche to be complacent risk takers. Finally, beloved, look after each other, stay safe and Godspeed.” 

My warriors departed, a large cavalcade taking to the skies in helicopters, jets or the unfurling of mighty angelic wings. Ariel gave his brother a kiss before departing for Central Asia with his troop members. 

“I’ll be seeing you, Mish,” he had said with a wink. 

“Not unless I see you first,” Mish had replied. 

I turned to Gabriel, who was the last before Mish to whom I was briefing. He was in his temporal form, as General Gavriel Benelisha of the Israeli Defense Forces, and donning state-issue army regalia. 

“Your mission is of the utmost urgency,” I informed the General, handing him his dossier. “You’re returning to District 7, specifically the Temple Mount. The False Prophet is planning to set up an image of the Antichrist in the newly-completed Temple and desecrate it by making Antichrist god in what the Lord has described as the Abomination of Desolation.” 

“There’s murmuring in the streets of Jerusalem that an AI robot is being created in the likeness of the Antichrist,” Gabriel stated. “This AI robot may be the one being set up in the Temple. Its form and image shall supposedly be an exact duplicate of the potentate . . . capable of fooling everyone that it’s the genuine article.” 

“The image set up in the Temple may be the same hologram we witnessed three nights ago,” I replied, nodding. “Or it may be an AI robot. Whatever form it takes, the Apostle John has written that power has been given to the image to speak. Of course, this power can only be from Lucifer.” 

“Antichrist will have realized his father’s dream of creating a Homo Deus,” Gabriel maintained. “Like his super soldiers he must believe the AI facsimile of himself is the apotheosis of his aspiration to godhood. Those easily deceived will bow down before this image and worship it as god: I’m referring especially to those genuflecting sycophants in Antichrist’s oligarchy.” 

I nodded again and turned to Mish. “Mishael, you need to pay attention to this also: this is Lucifer’s agenda, his last chance to be worshiped as god through the Antichrist, whose mind, body and will have been taken over by him. This is the reason he has masterminded the installation of Antichrist as the political leader of this One-world Order. Lucifer is fulfilling his aspirations to godhood by counterfeiting the will and purpose of Jehovah. Satan is the counterfeit god, and his puppets, Antichrist and False Prophet, make up the rest of his counterfeit trinity.” 

“I call them the unholy trifecta,” Gabriel whispered to his underling. 

I resumed briefing the General: “Now, to pick up from where I left off: your mission at hand. The False Prophet, whose ecumenical One-world religion is the counterfeit church, wants to convince the earth dwellers that the man, Antichrist, is to be worshiped as God. They want to push forward their schedule for reconstituting temple worship. 

“Several of the chief rabbis and their acolytes, who are in defiance of the two false leaders, are in danger of being exterminated by the new super soldiers in Antichrist’s army. Find out quickly the identities of these rabbis and the apprentices indentured to them, and inform them of the danger they’re in. Pronounce to them this warning from the Lord: unless they evacuate from the vicinity, they and their families will be killed and their homes destroyed. Be wary of the Antichrist’s super soldiers – they have been given orders by Antichrist to seek the rabbis and bring about their extinction. When you have completed this assignment, wait back here for me. As I mentioned to you last night, I may need you later.” 

General Benelisha gave Mish a succinct hug. “Be patient,” he advised our child. “And always remember our company’s credo.” 

He gave me a tacit wink before departing for Jerusalem with his squadron. 

The child studied the last dossier in my hand and was instantly downcast. Probably feeling at the bottom of the rank and file totem pole, he got up to leave. 

“And where do you think you’re going?” I asked him, examining his body language. He was disconsolate. 

“I’m not going anywhere evidently,” he replied haplessly. He nodded at my hand. Across the top of the cardboard folder was a name clearly printed, and it wasn’t his. It was mine. 

“Come back here, Little One,” I requested gently, placing the classified folder face down on my desk. The child returned to me. He waited on impatient feet, self-consciously shifting his weight from one ankle to another. 

I began: “All right, Mishael, this is your assignment – go back to bed and get a few hours’ sleep. Be up in time for your lunch and, after that, study and memorize the entire Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. Wait at your quarters till I come for you. I will, when I’m ready.” 

My son shook his head. Then, he scowled before snickering incredulously: “Sure, uh-huh. You know what, Dad? You needn’t have bothered. It’s not as if I’ve nothing to do today: I have homework to complete for Shimael.” 

He almost turned away but added, “I knew I should’ve just stayed in bed today. You still don’t believe I’m ready to serve, do you? Mika, I’ve been ready for two months, everyone knows that; everyone but you. You appear to have some confidence issues.” 

I shook my head calmly. “Mishael, what was Gabriel’s advice to you? What’s our credo?” 

He replied without hesitation: “Everything is a test of our faith and obedience.” 

Something dawned on him and he shut his eyes. He sighed: “And I’ve failed, haven’t I?” 

“Only if you persist in beating yourself up,” I stated. “But that’s right. This is our credo: ‘Everything is a test of our faith and obedience.’ For above all else, the Lord loves a faithful and obedient heart. And I’ve just been testing your willingness to follow instructions to the letter and obey orders without complaining. Now then, if you remember what your instructions are, you may go ahead and carry them out. If not, here they are again: get a few hours’ . . .” 

“I got it the first time, Dad,” he whispered with a slight hangdog smile. “I’m going.” 

Without another word, he pivoted on the spot, with the graceful refinement reminiscent of a dancer, and started for his bedroom behind my office. In the meantime, I proceeded to effect my transformation as a human being.

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