The Tribulation Judgments of God

The Tribulation begins when the Antichrist confirms a covenant with Israel for seven years (Daniel 9:27). We believe that the Church (believers in the Lord Jesus Christ) will have been raptured before this time. (The Church will be celebrating the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven.) The rest of humanity that has not genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will be left to undergo the Tribulation. Our novel has made mention of the judgment plagues of God that will be unleashed on earth during the Tribulation. This appendix is an annotation of the seven Trumpet and seven Vial (or Bowl) Judgments of God, as illustrated in the Book of Revelation. (Note: The 'Seal Judgments' that commences the Hour of the Tribulation has been omitted by design owing to its omission from our novel.)

The Seven Trumpet Judgments

The First Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 8:7)

Hail and fire will fall on one-third of the earth burning up a third of the earth’s trees and green grass.

The Second Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 8:8-9)

A huge mountain all ablaze, probably a burning meteorite, will fall into the (Mediterranean) sea. A third of the sea will turn into blood, killing a third of the living creatures in the sea. A third of the ships will also be destroyed.

The Third Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 8:10-11)

Another meteorite will fall on a third of the world’s rivers (this meteorite is called Wormwood which means ‘bitter’). It will pollute the rivers and kill the people dependent on these rivers for their living.

The Fourth Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 8:12)

God’s power will be unleashed to strike one-third of the sun, moon and stars so that a third of these heavenly bodies will become dark. Light will diminish by a third so that there will be sixteen hours of darkness on earth and eight hours of light.

The Fifth Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 9:1-12)

Apollyon, the Destroyer, and an army of evil spirits (described as two hundred million ‘horsemen’) will be released from the abyss to torment mankind. The torment is described as the sting of a scorpion. The sting does not cause death but will set the body on fire that will last five months; mankind will seek death due to the pain of this sting but man will not find death.

The Sixth Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 9:13-19)

Four evil angels who have been bound in the River Euphrates will be released. They will kill a third of mankind.

The Seventh Trumpet Judgment (Revelation 11:15-19)

The Seventh Trumpet initiates the next six judgments of God, called the Vial or Bowl Judgments.

The Seven Vial (or Bowl) Judgments

The First Vial Judgment (Revelation 16:2)

Painful sores or boils will break out on people who have accepted the Mark of the Beast (the Mark of Antichrist). This takes place when Antichrist orders that his image be worshipped. Those who choose to worship him will suffer the plague of these boils.

The Second Vial Judgment (Revelation 16:3)

Unlike the Second Trumpet judgment, when a third of the sea is turned to blood, in this case the entire sea will be turned to blood. All the living creatures will die, which will affect the fish industry.

The Third Vial Judgment (Revelation 16:4-7)

God will permit the angel of the waters to destroy all the rest of the water supplies on earth, such as the rivers and springs. These water sources will turn to blood causing pestilences and diseases.

The Fourth Vial Judgment (Revelation 16:8-9)

The sun will be given the power to scorch the people on earth with fire. Yet these people will not repent but will curse God.

The Fifth Vial Judgment (Revelation 16:10-11)

Earth is plunged into darkness when God judges Antichrist’s Headquarters and kingdom. The darkness will last for some time on earth. The people will gnaw their tongues in agony.

The Sixth Vial Judgment (Revelation 16:12-16; 19:11-16)

The River Euphrates will be dried up to enable the kings from the Orient to cross into the valley of Megiddo for battle. These kings will believe they are gathering for battle against Antichrist. However, ‘froglike’ unclean spirits will use miracles to deceive the kings so that they will be tricked into coming together to oppose God. The armies will gather in Megiddo for the Battle of Armageddon. This is when the Lord Jesus and His armies will descend from heaven. The Lord will consume His enemies with His Word (that shall proceed out of His mouth). 

The Seventh Vial Judgment (Revelation 16:17-21)

The Tribulation concludes with the unleashing of the greatest earthquake and hailstones known to man. Babylon and the rest of the cities of the world will be obliterated. Islands and mountains will also disappear. However, those still alive at this time will continue to blaspheme God.

The authors believe that these judgment plagues are God’s real and literal judgments upon a wicked and rebellious world that has been accumulating His wrath from the beginning. By this, justice will be done. The good news is that the Lord has provided an escape for us. The Word of God promises that the Church has not been appointed for wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). The Lord also says: “Because you have kept My Word to persevere I also shall keep you from the hour of the trial that shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10).  

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